Scott Robert Lim Photo Shoot | Sneak Peak
5/27/17 I am writing the night before I head to Pasadena City Hall to become the model for one of Scott Robert Lim's mentor classes. I am...
Performing for Sue Wong | Malibu
Here is a collage of multiple times I've had the honor of performing at SUE WONG's Malibu Home, ArtHaus so far. From BBQs to Sue's...
Originals "Monster" and "Got Your Own Thang Going" Get Placed in an Upcoming Sha
This is so surreal! Both my originals "Monster" and "Got Your Own Thang Going" (feat. Shade Sheist) have been placed in Sharon Stone's...
Original Song "Masquerade" Receives Raving Reviews!
A friend of mine in another state had posted my song "Masquerade" on his social media feed. Instantly, comments started flooding in....
Oren Waters Talks Highly of Jayme Claire
I had the great experience to work with Jayme Claire, and I’m here to tell you guys right now - get ready for a new star. She’s a new...
Grand Olympics Chorus of Sweet Adelines International Awards Jayme Claire Scholarship
May 21, 2011 The Grand Olympic Chorus of Sweet Adelines International is pleased to award you a scholarship in the amount of $500.00 for...